05773 1436 info@fenne-kg.de

Important for hall heating: Reduce hall heating costs and get warm everywhere quickly

Industrial ceiling fans for destratification

Get the heat from the hall ceiling !

Reduce heating costs and quickly heat the hall

Up to 20 meters hall height

IP54 protection against dust and splash-water

Guaranteed temperature equalization in a few minutes

Destratification for:

› Hardware store heating

› High bay warehouse heating

› Air dome heating

› Tennis hall heating

› Assembly hall heating

› Greenhouse heating

› Hangar hall heating

› Sports hall heating

› Workshop heating

› Warehouse heating

› Commercial tent heating

› Festival hall heating


Ceiling hot – floor cold

To get the requested temperature (19°C) at the floor, you have to heat again and again, even though the ceiling already is 26°C.


Energy loss

The high temperature at the ceiling causes a corresponding high energy loss at the ceiling (transmission).


Cold and dump areas

Often some areas of the room stay cold after a long time heating.


Equalized temperature

Our industrial ceiling fans equalize the room temperature by pushing down and mixing the warm air (de-stratification).
As the example above: 5 degree higher temperature at the floor without any additional heating means 30% lower energy costs.


Energy savings

Lets assume we have an outer temperature of 0°C. Now the fans reduce the temperature at the ceiling from 31°C to 21°C. This reduces the transmission energy loss by 32%.


Always steady warm

The complete room is comfortable warm now – fast and equal. The pre-heat time can be reduced.



Technical support


0049 5773 / 1436


3 + 8 =

Planning Tool

Warmluftrückführung: Link zum Online-Tool

Your individual proposal for industrial destratification

Directly and without registration:
– individual proposal of fans and accessories
– power consumption
– examples for fan placement
(sorry, in german only till now)

Smoke test

Ceiling fan 03.291

In this video, the air flow becomes visible with the smoke test. The fan 03.291 transports the warm air from 10m hall height in a tight air cone to the floor. The speed is set appropriately, so the air flow reaches the bottom gently without disturbing air moves and is distributed in a circular manner in all directions..
Within less minutes the temperature is compensated and the fans can pause until the controller detects once again heat accumulation under the ceiling.

Tennis hall TC Blau-Weiss Lemgo